Alzheimer’s Disease
In India, more than 4 million people are estimated to be suffering from Alzheimer’s, giving the country
the third highest caseload in the world. Yet, Alzheimer’s in India is a hidden problem. Only few patients
are formally diagnosed or treated. Most Indians still consider memory loss as an inevitable part of
ageing, rather than signs of a degenerative disease.
Alzheimer’s causes the destruction of brain cells and associated nerves and interferes with neurotransmitter
functions. Particularly, the memory system of the brain is compromised. As the disease progresses,
an individual’s capacity to communicate, think, and remember deteriorates.
Risk factors for mental and neurological diseases include genetics, older age, tobacco use, drug and
alcohol use, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. Environmental exposures, such as pollution, and
cranial injuries also place individuals at risk.
Research on prevention is still being developed, but health-promoting lifestyle choices can decrease
one’s risk of these diseases. A nutritious diet, avoidance of tobacco, and increased physical activity all
can qualify as preventative measures.
Though there currently is no cure for this class of NCDs, some specific diseases have treatments available.
For Alzheimer’s Disease, there is a class of drug treatments known as cholinesterase inhibitors
that can slow the progression of the disease. Beyond drugs, emotional support and therapy is often
employed to help those affected by these diseases.